11 I'm All In comes from a strong effort and looks to have found top form. Nice task here and should be ranked high despite this draw.
4 Rough Tile gave up from the lead in the last race. Now he could find the lead again and is the horse to beat from there.
1 Maharani Force did well in the last race, finishing second. Is not a quick starter, but is an early choice if she can find her way out.
10 Fourfiveseconds has three runs under his belt after a break and is on the way up.
View racecard9 Stein Frøy put in a strong effort in the last race and ended up winning. Better with that run under his belt and could take the second win in a row.
7 Skumsjøstjerna has quite good capacity and scored a good win. Tricky lane but is an early choice with the right trip.
5 Gustav Ø.K. is speedy, but can easily gallop. Fights for victory without a mistake.
3 Øygard Stjerna gave up last time. Better distance now and should not be overlooked.
View racecard2 Custom Chrono is our pick in a wide open race. The four-year-old is still without a win, but has an excellent starting position. Our winner with Eirik Höitomt
7 N.O. Boy finished quickly in the last race after an inside trip. Good for this class and good chance to be in the fight for victory.
6 Fat Bob is up and down, but should not be overlooked if he is at his best.
8 Faraon got a run under his belt in the last race and will be improved to this race.
View racecard3 I Want It All comes back after a short break and even though today's form is a bit hard to predict, he should have a good chance of winning.
6 Quantum Tile has won ten out of 29 races, but just like our pick, he might need this race.
2 Forever Dream has put in strong finishes lately and deserves a victory.
7 Tremendously is in top form. The seven-year-old is a quick starter and if he reaches the front, he could lead this throughout.
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